Big Data

Program Overview: Understand Big Data concepts; tools to stack up storage with NoSQL databases;
MapReduce Framework, Reporting with R

Employment Potential

3Edge will assist in placing successful candidates with its clients.

Sign up for Big-Data

Duration of  the course is 5 days.

 Pre-Requisite B.E. or BCA or MCA or BSc(CS) or MSC (CS) + Good in Java or DotNet foundations.

Offered at Chennai, Hyderabad, NCR,  Coimbatore.

 Certifications from 3Edge.

Part 1
Data Analytics & Business Statistics  [17 Days]
Introduction to Data Science & Data Analytics
Decision Support Systems
Database Fundamentals, SQL & NoSQL concepts
Data Warehousing
ETL and Business Intelligence
Business Concepts in Data Analytics
Data Mining Methods and Case Study


Part 2
Introduction to Big Data & Hadoop
Introduction to Big Data
Use cases for Big Data
Problems with existing system
Introduction to Hadoop, HDFS and Map Reduce
How Hadoop solves the problems and How failures are handled in Hadoop
Part 3
Hadoop Ecosystem and Cluster Planning
Hadoop Ecosystem and HDFS MapReduce Deeper Dive
Overview of Pig and Hive
Partitioner and Combiner
Cluster Planning


Part 4
Labs related to the below
Understanding the virtual environment
Lab on configuring the Hadoop environment
Lab on HDFS via command line
MapReduce Program
Scoop and Hive
Pig examples
Hive example


Part 5
Advanced MapReduce and Lab
Advanced Concepts of MapReduce
Twitter Use Case
Lab on MapReduce with a bigger data set
Lab on working with Partitioner and Custom Partitioner
Lab on working with Combiner
Lab on analyzing demo data using Sqoop, Hadoop, Flume and Hive
Part 6
Reporting with R
Introduction to R

Ready To Stand Out?

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